Alexandra, Nic, Hermione and Arthur Verney
The Centre Circle Nursery

The Circle Centre Nursery is a charity specialising in autism early support. Their specialist teachers, therapists and support assistants deliver and promote early intervention for children with autism or communication difficulties and provide high quality care, education and therapy through tailored programmes of assessment, support and advice, consultancy and training.
As tenants and close neighbours of ours, this charitable nursery is very close to our hearts as we see, day to day, the positive impact they have on families who often travel great distances to enrol their children with them.
As part of The Circle Centre’s 20th Anniversary celebrations this week, Nicholas and I have gifted them a bench which, with Arthur and Hemione’s help, we scrubbed, sanded and painted ‘Claydon Blue’. We hope this bench will provide a relaxing space for parents to meet and support each other, for teachers to help and support families and, most importantly, a happy place for play or reflection for The Circle Centre children themselves.
Separately, on Saturday 30th July I will also be running a ‘Bring and Buy’ day here for the nursery where all proceeds will go towards The Circle Centre’s fundraising efforts. If any TOY friends have any pre-loved clothes they would like to donate that might bring a smile to a new wearer, please do get in touch!
Thank you all.
I hope to sit on this bench sometime and TOY