Deborah Kappeler, Giole Balmelli & Tobias Kappeler
Live life. Give life. By favoring organ donation.

Deborah, Gioele and Tobi spent an afternoon at the Christmas Market in Zuerich to convince passersby to sign an organ donation card. Under current law in Switzerland, to become an organ donor upon death, a person must proactively state its wish while being alive. The three TOY friends had to get out of their comfort zones and get people to listen and hear about the initiative. It was not an easy task - but before the day was over, they convinced 100 people to take the donation card and express their will to give organs. This project had a big impact on the three TOY friends. They needed to convince others to do something that matters and give them another perspective about the cause. But they were also impressed at how many adults already carry a donation card or even better, enabled the function in the emergency setting on the smartphones.