Mirella Burger with Buddy
To bring joy to elderly people with a social dog
It all began with Mirella's wish to enrich the lives of elderly people. A dream was born and the story begins...
The adventure of training a Social Dog started in June 2021 when Mirella got her dream puppy "Buddy". The main mission of a Social Dog is to bring joy. This may sound simple and yet, to acquire the skills to do so, is quite a journey. A path of bonding, trust building and daily training. Just recently Mirella finished her training with boundless passion, dedication, persistence and joy and she received her certification "Team Mirella and Buddy".
During her learning process as well as a certified team, Mirella and Buddy visited more than 70 elderlies to bring joy and happiness. They keep doing things that matter and make a change in our world.
Thank you so much Mirella and Buddy
Your story is very touching
Much love and TOY Monique