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2014 TOY Award Winners 

Sonja Wittenberg

A Proactive way to teach in Singapore

Sonja was teaching the entrepreneurship and business management module at the Aidha micro-business school in Singapore. They provide holistic training programs that include money management, computer literacy, leadership and entrepreneurial skill. These opportunities enable the women to break the cycle of poverty and give them the opportunity and choice to determine their own future.

Karen Sophie Kvamme

Inside Out Project with Artist JR

Karen used art as a method to help change the world, spread the smile of all the TOY friends and remember Yves always. JR meets TOY in Zurich. For the “Inside Out Project” she glued more than 150 portraits of smiling friends wearing the TOY cap to a public wall. Some of the TOY friends helped her during that performance and we shared the video in December.

Titus Kaphar

A Seed of a Creative Social Movement

Titus worked for three weeks at the De Anza College in California. He worked with a diverse group of students to create artworks that address the issues of the American prison industrial complex and police harassment of young black men specifically and people of color in general. He didn’t really know what to expect when he started the project, but what he learned and what he could guide his students to was planting a seed. A seed of a creative social movement.

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